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Data manipulation with 'tidyr' and 'reshape2'

A lesson in R for the SFU study group

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Both reshape2 and tidyr are great R packages used to manipulate your data from the 'wide' to the 'long' format, or vice-versa. The 'long' format is where:

In the 'long' format, you usually have 1 column for the observed variable and the other columns are ID variables. For the 'wide' format each row is often a site/subject/patient and you have multiple observation variables. These can be either repeated observations over time, or observation of multiple variables (or a mix of both). You may find data input may be simpler or some other applications may prefer the 'wide' format. However, many of R's functions have been designed assuming you have 'long' format data. This tutorial will help you efficiently transform your data regardless of original format.

Getting started

First install the packages if you haven't already done so:

if (!require("tidyr")) install.packages("tidyr")
if (!require("reshape2")) install.packages("reshape2")
if (!require("plyr")) install.packages("plyr")

Load the packages


Loading the data

Load the data, we're using the inflammation data from the Software Carpentry novice R lessons

data <- read.csv("inflammation-01.csv", header=FALSE)

Each row in this data represents a patient and columns represent measurements of inflammation over time.


Lets put some more informative labels on this dataframe:

names(data) <- c(paste0("day_", 1:40))

Lets add patient IDs. Yes the method below is a bit more complicated than it needs to be for now, but the patientID's position will be important later.

patientID <- c(1:60)
data <- cbind(patientID, data)

Now the dataframe is human-friendly, but what happens if we need to run an analysis with all the inflammation values in 1 column? (e.g. repeated measures ANOVA). Another motivation is to have data that meets the basic tenants of well organized "tidy" data where each column is a variable and each row is an observation.

To meet these criteria, our dataframe should have 3 columns (variables): patientID, day, and inflammation. We could use some "brute-force" coding to re-organize the data, but that's encouraging mistakes. With the reshape2 or tidyr packages, we have the tools to easily re-organize our data.

From wide to long with reshape2::melt()

First, lets try melt() from the reshape2 package:

reshaped_data <- melt(data)

This is not quite what we needed, melt() took all the columns and treated them equally because we didn't tell it that patientID is an important id variable. Lets try that again but this time specify the id variables.

reshaped_data <- melt(data, id.vars = "patientID")

What if we had some other information about the patients that we think may be important? Let's assume that each patient was given 1 of 3 different drugs. Again, this is a bit more complicated than it needs to be for now, but the drug's position will be important later.

drugs <- rep(c("A", "B", "C"), each = 20)
data <-, list(drug = drugs), after = 1))

We now need to specify both patientID and drug as ID variables.

reshaped_data <- melt(data, id.vars = c("patientID", "drug"))

The variables named patientID and drug are descriptive, but variable and value are not. We can fix that in melt().

reshaped_data <- melt(data, id.vars = c("patientID", "drug"), = "day", = "inflammation")

Challenge problem 1 Assuming data_example <- dataand data_example had a variable called dose which has the values:

data_example$dose <- rep(c("single", "double"), each = 10,3)

If we want 'long' format data, should dose be an observation or an ID variable?

* answers to challenge problems can be found at the bottom of this page

Fixing variables with reshape2::colsplit()

You can also manipulate data that is in 1 variable. In this data, we might want to seperate the numeric day value from day_x. This would be particularly useful if the time units were not consistent (i.e. some as day_x and some as week_x)

day_splits <- colsplit(reshaped_data$day, "_", c("unit_time", "time"))

From long to wide with reshape2::dcast()

Now if for some reason, you did not keep the original data (e.g. hard-drive failure?) and you need the data with the original formatting back (e.g. if your colleague will only work with it in that format), we can easily re-organize the data back to the original format

unreshaped_data <- dcast(reshaped_data, patientID+drug~day, value.var='inflammation')

A brief note on the syntax here; the value variable that gets broken up is inflammation (the column with all the inflammation values). The new column names for the inflammation values comes from the day column (on the right side of the ~) and the id variables (patientID+drug) are on the right side of the ~ seperated by +

Let's double-check that we didn't mess anything up along the way:


Challenge problem 2 Assuming data_example <- data and names(data_example) <- c("patientID","drug",paste0("day_", 1:20,"_var1"), paste0("day_", 1:20,"_var2")). If , for some reason, we wanted a format that was intermediate to the long and wide formats. How could you get data_intermediate with 5 columns (patientID,drug,day,var1,var2). Hint: you may find it easier to use all 3 functions we just learned (melt(),colsplit(),dcast()) and you're aiming to get a dataframe with 1200 rows.

* answers to challenge problems can be found at the bottom of this page

From wide to long with tidyr::gather()

The tidyr package does the same kinds of things albeit with different syntax. This is similar to melt(), it will reorganize your data in the 'long' format. Note that in this case, the ID variables (patientID and drug are left out)

tidied_data <- gather(data, day, inflammation, day_1:day_40)
identical(tidied_data, reshaped_data)

Gather also allows the alternative syntax of using the - symbol to identify which variables are not to be gathered (i.e. ID variables)

tidied_data <- gather(data, day, inflammation, -patientID, -drug)
identical(tidied_data, reshaped_data)

Challenge problem 3 Assuming data_example <- data. If we wanted to omit day_35 to day_40 from the 'long' format data, how could we do that without removing those variables from data_example.

* answers to challenge problems can be found at the bottom of this page

Fixing variables with tidyr::separate()

Similar to colsplit(), separate() will split a variable into multiple

day_splits <- separate(tidied_data, day, c("unit_time","time"), sep="_")

From long to wide with tidyr::spread()

Similar to dcast(), spread() will reorganize your data into the 'wide' format.

untidied_data <- spread(tidied_data,day, inflammation)

identical(untidied_data, data)
identical(untidied_data, unreshaped_data)

Side by side comparison

tidyr is designed specifically to tidy dataframes while reshape2 is a bit more for general reshaping

They seem to be roughly equally efficient computationally

data_big <- rbind.fill(replicate(10000, data, simplify = FALSE))

system.time(melt(data_big, id.vars=c("patientID","drug"),"day","inflammation"))
system.time(gather(data_big, day, inflammation, day_1:day_40))

reshape2 allows functions which is useful when id variables are not unique. Here we calculate the mean inflammation for each drug

means_drug <- dcast( reshaped_data, drug ~ day, value.var="inflammation", fun.aggregate = mean)

Similar to using ddply() and summarize() from the plyr package, but plyr is a bit more flexible

ddply_drugs <- ddply(reshaped_data,c("drug","day"),summarise,

You can also use dcast's sybling acast() to get an array instead of a dataframe

unreshaped_data_array <- acast(reshaped_data, patientID+drug~day, value.var='inflammation')

Example analysis

Above, I had suggested using a repeated measures ANOVA. Let's try examining the effect of drug on our patients with repeated measures over time.

aov_output <- aov(inflammation ~ drug*day + Error(patientID/drug), data = tidied_data)

Don't worry so much about the specific formulation of the aov, but rather that we were able to do it with the 'long' format data. We can't use aov() on the 'wide' format because the dependent variable inflammation is spread out over multiple columns. For more information on repeated measures ANOVA: Or for general statistics in R:

Other great resources:

Scientific Programming Study Group at SFU




Answers to challenge problem

  • Challenge problem 1:
    • It would be better to include dose as an ID variable since it identifies which type of treatment was received by that patient. You would use: reshaped_data <- melt(data, id.vars = c("patientID", "drug")) to reorganize the data
  • Challenge problem 2:
    • First, reorganize into the full 'long' format
      • data_example_long <- melt(data_example, id.vars = c("patientID", "drug"), = "day_var", = "value")
    • Second, split the day_var column
      • data_example_long <- cbind(data_example_long,colsplit(data_example_long$day_var,"_", c("unit_time", "day", "var")))
    • Lastly, reorganize into an intermediate format
      • data_intermediate <- dcast(data_example_long, patientID+drug+day~var, value.var='value')
  • Challenge problem 3:
    • This was a bit of a trick question to make sure you understood that the - before the variable names for the gather function are not to omit those variables completely, but rather use those as an ID variable. tidied_data_example <- gather(data_example[,-37:42], day, inflammation, -patientID, -drug)