Source code for marxanconpy.manipulation

import numpy
import os
import pandas
import geopandas as gpd
import igraph
import wx
import marxanconpy

[docs]def convert_matrix_type(current,desired,matrix,localProd): """ Convert Matrix Types Converts connectivity data in matrix format to/from various types (e.g. "Probability", "Migration", "Flow"). See for detailed description :param current: Current connectivity data type (e.g. "Probability", "Migration", "Flow") :param desired: Current connectivity data type (e.g. "Probability", "Migration", "Flow") :param matrix: Connectivity Matrix :param localProd: Local Production at each site in the connectivity matrix :return: """ print("converting ",current," to ",desired) if current == desired: return matrix elif current == "Probability": if desired == "Migration": matrix = matrix * localProd['production'].values[:, numpy.newaxis] matrix = matrix / matrix.sum(axis=0) elif desired == "Flow": matrix = matrix * localProd['production'].values[:, numpy.newaxis] else: print("Warning: " + desired + " not a recognized matrix type.") elif current == "Migration": print("Warning: Migration Matrices cannot be converted without knowing local recruitment") elif current == "Flow": if desired == "Migration": matrix = matrix / matrix.sum(axis=0) elif desired == "Probability": matrix = matrix.divide(matrix.sum(axis=1).values,axis="rows") else: print("Warning: " + desired + " not a recognized matrix type.") else: print("Warning: " + current + " not a recognized matrix type.") return matrix.fillna(0)
[docs]def convert_graph_type(current,desired,graph,localProd): """ Convert Graph Types Converts connectivity data in graph (igraph) format to/from various types (e.g. "Probability", "Migration", "Flow"). See for detailed description :param current: Current connectivity data type (e.g. "Probability", "Migration", "Flow") :param desired: Current connectivity data type (e.g. "Probability", "Migration", "Flow") :param graph: Connectivity Graph :param localProd: Local Production at each site in the connectivity matrix :return: """ print("converting ",current," to ",desired) if current == desired: return graph elif current == "Probability": g = graph.copy() from_list = numpy.array([x[0] for x in g.get_edgelist()]) to_list = numpy.array([x[1] for x in g.get_edgelist()]) new = numpy.array(["weight"]) IDs = numpy.unique(numpy.concatenate((numpy.unique(from_list), numpy.unique(to_list)))) if desired == "Migration": for i in range(len(IDs)): new[from_list == i] = new[from_list == i] * localProd["production"][i] for i in range(len(IDs)): new[to_list == i] = new[to_list == i] / numpy.sum(new[to_list == i]) elif desired == "Flow": for i in range(len(IDs)): new[from_list == i] = new[from_list == i] * localProd["production"][i] else: print("Warning: " + desired + " not a recognized matrix type.") elif current == "Migration": print("Warning: Migration Matrices cannot be converted without knowing local recruitment") elif current == "Flow": g = graph.copy() from_list = numpy.array([x[0] for x in g.get_edgelist()]) to_list = numpy.array([x[1] for x in g.get_edgelist()]) new = numpy.array(["weight"]) IDs = numpy.unique(numpy.concatenate((numpy.unique(from_list), numpy.unique(to_list)))) if desired == "Migration": for i in range(len(IDs)): new[to_list == i] = new[to_list == i] / numpy.sum(new[to_list == i]) elif desired == "Probability": for i in range(len(IDs)): new[from_list == i] = new[from_list == i] / numpy.sum(new[from_list == i]) else: print("Warning: " + desired + " not a recognized matrix type.") else: print("Warning: " + current + " not a recognized matrix type.")["weight"] = new return g
[docs]def calc_metrics(project,progressbar,calc_metrics_pu=True,calc_metrics_cu=False): """ Calculate connectivity metrics Calculates connectivity metrics to be used as conservation features and prepares the connectivity to be used as spatial dependencies :param project: Project dictionary created by'marxanconpy.marcon.new_project()' or 'marxanconpy.marcon.load_file()'. The later reads the .MarCon JSON project file :param progressbar: Logical. True if you want to see a progressbar :param calc_metrics_pu: Logical. True if you want to calculate metrics for planning units. :param calc_metrics_cu: Logical. True if you want to calculate metrics for connectivity units if such data is supplied. For exploration purposes only as these will not be used in any Marxan analyses. :return: """ try: # create dict entry for connectivityMetrics project['connectivityMetrics'] = {} temp = {} all_types = [] if calc_metrics_pu and calc_metrics_cu: if os.path.isfile(project['filepaths']['demo_pu_cm_filepath']): all_types += ['demo_pu', 'demo_cu'] if os.path.isfile(project['filepaths']['land_pu_cm_filepath']): all_types += ['land_pu'] elif calc_metrics_pu: if os.path.isfile(project['filepaths']['demo_pu_cm_filepath']): all_types += ['demo_pu'] if os.path.isfile(project['filepaths']['land_pu_cm_filepath']): all_types += ['land_pu'] elif calc_metrics_cu: if os.path.isfile(project['filepaths']['demo_cu_cm_filepath']): all_types += ['demo_cu'] # create dict entries for boundary project['connectivityMetrics']['boundary'] = {} bd_demo_conn_boundary_done = False bd_land_conn_boundary_done = False # load local production if os.path.isfile(project['filepaths']['lp_filepath']): localProd = pandas.read_csv(project['filepaths']['lp_filepath'], index_col=0) else: localProd = 1 if progressbar: # start progressbar max = 100 * len(all_types) dlg = wx.ProgressDialog("Calculating Connectivity Metrics", "Please wait while the connectivity metrics are being calculated.", maximum=max, parent=None, style=wx.PD_APP_MODAL | wx.PD_CAN_ABORT | wx.PD_AUTO_HIDE | wx.PD_ELAPSED_TIME | wx.PD_ESTIMATED_TIME | wx.PD_REMAINING_TIME ) count = 0 keepGoing = True for type in all_types: if not keepGoing: break # check format if type[-2:] == 'pu': if type == 'demo_pu': temp['format'] = project["options"]["demo_conmat_format"] if type == 'land_pu': temp['format'] = "Edge List with Habitat" # load correct matrix and transform if necessary print("loading matrix") print(project['filepaths'][type + '_cm_filepath']) if os.path.isfile(project['filepaths'][type + '_cm_filepath']): if temp['format'] == "Matrix": temp[type + '_connectivity'] = {} temp[type + '_connectivity']['default_type_replace'] = pandas.read_csv( project['filepaths'][type + '_cm_filepath'], index_col=0) elif temp['format'] == "Edge List": temp[type + '_connectivity'] = {} temp[type + '_connectivity']['default_type_replace'] = pandas.read_csv( project['filepaths'][type + '_cm_filepath'], dtype = {'id1': str, 'id2': str}) elif temp['format'] == "Edge List with Time": temp[type + '_conmat_time'] = pandas.read_csv( project['filepaths'][type + '_cm_filepath'], dtype = {'id1': str, 'id2': str}) temp[type + '_connectivity'] = {} temp[type + '_connectivity']['default_type_replace'] = temp[type + '_conmat_time'][ ['id1', 'id2', 'value']].groupby(['id1', 'id2']).mean() marxanconpy.warn_dialog( message="A connectivity 'Edge List with Time' was provided; however, all metrics except " "'Temporal Connectivity Correlation' will be calculated from the temporal" "mean of connectivity") elif temp['format'] == "Edge List with Type": temp[type + '_conmat'] = pandas.read_csv( project['filepaths'][type + '_cm_filepath'], dtype = {'type': str, 'id1': str, 'id2': str}) temp[type + '_connectivity'] = {} for t in temp[type + '_conmat']['type'].unique(): temp[type + '_connectivity'][t] = temp[type + '_conmat'][ temp[type + '_conmat']['type'] == t] if not temp[type + '_connectivity'][t].value.sum() > 0: del temp[type + '_connectivity'][t] marxanconpy.warn_dialog("All connectivity values for type '" + str( t) + "' are below or equal to zero, excluding from further analyses") elif temp['format'] == "Edge List with Habitat": temp[type + '_conmat'] = pandas.read_csv( project['filepaths'][type + '_cm_filepath'], dtype = {'id1': str, 'id2': str}) temp[type + '_conmat'].loc[temp[type + '_conmat']['value'] < float( project['options']['land_hab_thresh']), 'value'] = 0 temp[type + '_connectivity'] = {} for h in temp[type + '_conmat']['habitat'].unique(): temp[type + '_connectivity'][h] = temp[type + '_conmat'][ temp[type + '_conmat']['habitat'] == h] if not temp[type + '_connectivity'][h].value.sum() > 0: del temp[type + '_connectivity'][h] marxanconpy.warn_dialog("All connectivity values for type '" + str( h) + "' are below or equal to zero, excluding from further analyses") else: marxanconpy.warn_dialog(message="File not found: " + project['filepaths'][type + '_cm_filepath']) # load correct shapefile path print("loading shapefile") if type[-2:] == 'pu': temp['shp_filepath'] = project['filepaths']['pu_filepath'] temp['shp_file_pu_id'] = project['filepaths']['pu_file_pu_id'] else: temp['shp_filepath'] = project['filepaths'][type + '_filepath'] temp['shp_file_pu_id'] = project['filepaths'][type + '_file_pu_id'] temp['shp'] = gpd.GeoDataFrame.from_file(temp['shp_filepath']) try: temp['shp'][temp['shp_file_pu_id']] = temp['shp'][temp['shp_file_pu_id']].astype('int').astype('str') except: temp['shp'][temp['shp_file_pu_id']] = temp['shp'][temp['shp_file_pu_id']].astype('str') # create dict entries for spec project['connectivityMetrics']['spec_' + type] = {} # warn if files not the same length # if temp['format'] == "Edge List with Habitat" or "Edge List with Type": # temp['conmat_len'] = str(len(next(iter(temp[type + '_connectivity'].values())))) # else: # temp['conmat_len'] = str(len(temp[type + '_connectivity'])) # temp['conmat_len'] = str(len(next(iter(temp[type + '_connectivity'].values())))) # temp['shp_len'] = str(gpd.GeoDataFrame.from_file(temp['shp_filepath']).shape[0]) # if temp['conmat_len'] != temp['shp_len']: # warn_dialog( # message="The selected shapefile and connectivity matrix do not have the expected number of rows. " # "There are " + temp['conmat_len'] + " rows in the selected connectivity matrix and " + # temp['shp_len'] + " rows in the shapefile") # warn and end if pu_id not in shapefile # temp['shp_file_pu_id'] # temp['shp_filepath'] # calculate demographic metrics if type[:4] == 'demo': for t in temp[type + '_connectivity'].keys(): if t == 'default_type_replace': print('calculating demographic connectivity metrics') else: print("calculating demographic connectivity metrics for "+t) if not keepGoing: break if t == 'default_type_replace': typesuffix = '' else: typesuffix = '_' + t graph = connectivity2graph(connectivity=temp[type + '_connectivity'][t], format=temp['format'], IDs=temp['shp'][temp['shp_file_pu_id']].values) n = round(100 / 15 / len(temp[type + '_connectivity'].keys())) # if not os.path.isfile(project['filepaths']['lp_filepath']): # warn_dialog("No Local Production input. Marxan Connect will assume equal production in each planning unit.") if project["options"]["demo_metrics"]["in_degree"] and keepGoing: project['connectivityMetrics']['spec_' + type][ 'in_degree_' + type + typesuffix] = \ marxanconpy.metrics.graph2vertexdegree(graph, mode='IN') marxanconpy.progress_bar_update(count,dlg, keepGoing, n, progressbar) if project["options"]["demo_metrics"]["out_degree"] and keepGoing: project['connectivityMetrics']['spec_' + type][ 'out_degree_' + type + typesuffix] = \ marxanconpy.metrics.graph2vertexdegree(graph, mode='OUT') marxanconpy.progress_bar_update(count, dlg, keepGoing, n, progressbar) if project["options"]["demo_metrics"]["between_cent"] and keepGoing: project['connectivityMetrics']['spec_' + type][ 'between_cent_' + type + typesuffix] = \ marxanconpy.metrics.graph2betweencent(graph) marxanconpy.progress_bar_update(count, dlg, keepGoing, n, progressbar) if project["options"]["demo_metrics"]["eig_vect_cent"] and keepGoing: project['connectivityMetrics']['spec_' + type][ 'eig_vect_cent_' + type + typesuffix] = \ marxanconpy.metrics.graph2eigvectcent( marxanconpy.manipulation.convert_graph_type( project['options']['demo_conmat_type'], 'Migration', graph, localProd)) marxanconpy.progress_bar_update(count, dlg, keepGoing, n, progressbar) if project["options"]["demo_metrics"]["google"] and keepGoing: project['connectivityMetrics']['spec_' + type]['google_' + type + typesuffix] = \ marxanconpy.metrics.graph2google(graph) marxanconpy.progress_bar_update(count, dlg, keepGoing, n, progressbar) if project["options"]["demo_metrics"]["self_recruit"] and keepGoing: project['connectivityMetrics']['spec_' + type][ 'self_recruit_' + type + typesuffix] = \ marxanconpy.metrics.graph2diagonal(marxanconpy.manipulation.convert_graph_type( project['options']['demo_conmat_type'], 'Migration', graph, localProd)) marxanconpy.progress_bar_update(count, dlg, keepGoing, n, progressbar) if project["options"]["demo_metrics"]["local_retention"] and keepGoing: project['connectivityMetrics']['spec_' + type][ 'local_retention_' + type + typesuffix] = \ marxanconpy.metrics.graph2diagonal(marxanconpy.manipulation.convert_graph_type( project['options']['demo_conmat_type'], 'Probability', graph, localProd)) marxanconpy.progress_bar_update(count, dlg, keepGoing, n, progressbar) if project["options"]["demo_metrics"]["outflow"] and keepGoing: project['connectivityMetrics']['spec_' + type]['outflow_' + type + typesuffix] = \ marxanconpy.metrics.graph2outflow(marxanconpy.manipulation.convert_graph_type( project['options']['demo_conmat_type'], 'Flow', graph, localProd)) marxanconpy.progress_bar_update(count, dlg, keepGoing, n, progressbar) if project["options"]["demo_metrics"]["inflow"] and keepGoing: project['connectivityMetrics']['spec_' + type]['inflow_' + type + typesuffix] = \ marxanconpy.metrics.graph2inflow(marxanconpy.manipulation.convert_graph_type( project['options']['demo_conmat_type'], 'Flow', graph, localProd)) marxanconpy.progress_bar_update(count, dlg, keepGoing, n, progressbar) if project["options"]["demo_metrics"]["fa_recipients"] and keepGoing: project['connectivityMetrics']['spec_' + type][ 'fa_recipients_' + type + typesuffix] = \ marxanconpy.metrics.graph2recipients(marxanconpy.manipulation.convert_graph_type( project['options']['demo_conmat_type'], 'Flow', graph, localProd), project['filepaths']['fa_filepath'], temp['shp_filepath'], temp['shp_file_pu_id'] ) marxanconpy.progress_bar_update(count, dlg, keepGoing, n, progressbar) if project["options"]["demo_metrics"]["fa_donors"] and keepGoing: project['connectivityMetrics']['spec_' + type][ 'fa_donors_' + type + typesuffix] = \ marxanconpy.metrics.graph2donors(marxanconpy.manipulation.convert_graph_type( project['options']['demo_conmat_type'], 'Flow', graph, localProd), project['filepaths']['fa_filepath'], temp['shp_filepath'], temp['shp_file_pu_id'] ) marxanconpy.progress_bar_update(count, dlg, keepGoing, n, progressbar) if project["options"]["demo_metrics"]["aa_recipients"] and keepGoing: project['connectivityMetrics']['spec_' + type][ 'aa_recipients_' + type + typesuffix] = \ marxanconpy.metrics.graph2recipients(marxanconpy.manipulation.convert_graph_type( project['options']['demo_conmat_type'], 'Flow', graph, localProd), project['filepaths']['aa_filepath'], temp['shp_filepath'], temp['shp_file_pu_id'], True ) marxanconpy.progress_bar_update(count, dlg, keepGoing, n, progressbar) if project["options"]["demo_metrics"]["aa_donors"] and keepGoing: project['connectivityMetrics']['spec_' + type][ 'aa_donors_' + type + typesuffix] = \ marxanconpy.metrics.graph2donors(marxanconpy.manipulation.convert_graph_type( project['options']['demo_conmat_type'], 'Flow', graph, localProd), project['filepaths']['aa_filepath'], temp['shp_filepath'], temp['shp_file_pu_id'], True ) marxanconpy.progress_bar_update(count, dlg, keepGoing, n, progressbar) if project["options"]["demo_metrics"]["stochasticity"] and keepGoing: if 'fa_filepath' in project['filepaths']: project['connectivityMetrics']['spec_' + type][ 'temp_conn_cov_' + type + typesuffix] = \ marxanconpy.metrics.graphtime2temp_conn_cov(temp[type + '_conmat_time'], project['filepaths']['fa_filepath'], temp['shp_filepath'] ) else: marxanconpy.warn_dialog( message="No 'Focus Area' has been specified. Please load a focus area file in " "the Spatial Input tab") return marxanconpy.progress_bar_update(count, dlg, keepGoing, n, progressbar) if project["options"]["demo_metrics"]["conn_boundary"] and keepGoing: if bd_demo_conn_boundary_done == False: if t == 'default_type_replace': project['connectivityMetrics']['boundary']['conn_boundary_' + type] = \ marxanconpy.metrics.graph2connboundary(graph) else: project['connectivityMetrics']['boundary']['conn_boundary_' + type] = \ temp[type + '_conmat'][['id1', 'id2', 'value']].groupby( ['id1', 'id2']).mean().reset_index().to_json(orient='split') marxanconpy.warn_dialog( message="A connectivity " + temp['format'] + " was provided. The Ecological " "Distance to be used as the Boundary Definitions will be calculated from the " "mean of connectivity matrices supplied") bd_demo_conn_boundary_done = True marxanconpy.progress_bar_update(count, dlg, keepGoing, n, progressbar) # calculate landscape metrics ############################################################################ if type[-7:] == 'land_pu': for h in temp[type + '_connectivity'].keys(): if h == 'default_type_replace': print('calculating landscape connectivity metrics') else: print("calculating landscape connectivity metrics for "+h) graph = connectivity2graph(connectivity=temp[type + '_connectivity'][h], format=temp['format'], IDs=temp['shp'][temp['shp_file_pu_id']].values) if not keepGoing: break n = 100 / 10 / len(temp[type + '_conmat'].keys()) if project["options"]["land_metrics"]["in_degree"] and keepGoing: project['connectivityMetrics']['spec_' + type][ 'in_degree_' + type + "_" + str(h)] = marxanconpy.metrics.graph2vertexdegree( graph, mode='IN') marxanconpy.progress_bar_update(count, dlg, keepGoing, n, progressbar) if project["options"]["land_metrics"]["out_degree"] and keepGoing: project['connectivityMetrics']['spec_' + type][ 'out_degree_' + type + "_" + str(h)] = marxanconpy.metrics.graph2vertexdegree( graph, mode='OUT') marxanconpy.progress_bar_update(count, dlg, keepGoing, n, progressbar) if project["options"]["land_metrics"]["between_cent"] and keepGoing: project['connectivityMetrics']['spec_' + type][ 'between_cent_' + type + "_" + str(h)] = \ marxanconpy.metrics.graph2betweencent(graph) marxanconpy.progress_bar_update(count, dlg, keepGoing, n, progressbar) if project["options"]["land_metrics"]["eig_vect_cent"] and keepGoing: project['connectivityMetrics']['spec_' + type][ 'eig_vect_cent_' + type + "_" + str(h)] = \ marxanconpy.metrics.graph2eigvectcent(graph) if project["options"]["land_metrics"]["google"]: project['connectivityMetrics']['spec_' + type]['google_' + type + "_" + str(h)] = \ marxanconpy.metrics.graph2google(graph) marxanconpy.progress_bar_update(count, dlg, keepGoing, n, progressbar) if project["options"]["land_metrics"]["fa_recipients"] and keepGoing: project['connectivityMetrics']['spec_' + type][ 'fa_recipients_' + type + "_" + str(h)] = \ marxanconpy.metrics.graph2recipients(graph, project['filepaths']['fa_filepath'], temp['shp_filepath'], temp['shp_file_pu_id'] ) marxanconpy.progress_bar_update(count, dlg, keepGoing, n, progressbar) if project["options"]["land_metrics"]["fa_donors"] and keepGoing: project['connectivityMetrics']['spec_' + type][ 'fa_donors_' + type + "_" + str(h)] = \ marxanconpy.metrics.graph2donors(graph, project['filepaths']['fa_filepath'], temp['shp_filepath'], temp['shp_file_pu_id'] ) marxanconpy.progress_bar_update(count, dlg, keepGoing, n, progressbar) if project["options"]["land_metrics"]["aa_recipients"] and keepGoing: project['connectivityMetrics']['spec_' + type][ 'aa_recipients_' + type + "_" + str(h)] = \ marxanconpy.metrics.graph2recipients(graph, project['filepaths']['aa_filepath'], temp['shp_filepath'], temp['shp_file_pu_id'], True ) marxanconpy.progress_bar_update(count, dlg, keepGoing, n, progressbar) if project["options"]["land_metrics"]["aa_donors"] and keepGoing: project['connectivityMetrics']['spec_' + type][ 'aa_donors_' + type + "_" + str(h)] = \ marxanconpy.metrics.graph2donors(graph, project['filepaths']['aa_filepath'], temp['shp_filepath'], temp['shp_file_pu_id'], True ) marxanconpy.progress_bar_update(count, dlg, keepGoing, n, progressbar) if project["options"]["land_metrics"]["conn_boundary"] and keepGoing: if bd_land_conn_boundary_done == False: if h == 'default_type_replace': project['connectivityMetrics']['boundary']['conn_boundary_' + type] = \ marxanconpy.metrics.graph2connboundary(graph) else: project['connectivityMetrics']['boundary']['conn_boundary_' + type] = \ temp[type + '_conmat'][ ['id1', 'id2', 'value']].groupby( ['id1', 'id2']).mean().reset_index().to_json(orient='split') marxanconpy.warn_dialog( message="A connectivity " + temp['format'] + " was provided. The Ecological " "Distance to be used as the Boundary Definitions will be calculated from the " "mean of connectivity matrices supplied") bd_land_conn_boundary_done = True marxanconpy.progress_bar_update(count, dlg, keepGoing, n, progressbar) if progressbar: dlg.Destroy() except: if progressbar: dlg.Destroy() raise
[docs]def check_matrix_list_format(format, filepath): """ Check format Quality control function to assure that the file format is 'as advertised' :param format: The expected format of the connectivity file (i.e. "Matrix", "Edge List", "Edge List with Type", "Edge List with Time"). See for a detailed description of formats :param filepath: The filepath to the connectivity data :return: """ # warn if matrix is wrong format warn = False message = "See the Glossary for 'Data Formats' under 'Connectivity'." if format == "Matrix": conmat = pandas.read_csv(filepath, index_col=0) if not conmat.shape[1]==conmat.shape[2]: message = message + "See the Glossary for 'Data Formats' under 'Connectivity'. Matrices should have an " \ "equal number of rows and columns" warn-True else: if format == "Edge List": ncol = 3 expected = numpy.array(['id1', 'id2', 'value']) elif format == "Edge List with Type": ncol = 4 expected = numpy.array(['type', 'id1', 'id2', 'value']) elif format == "Edge List with Time": ncol = 4 expected = numpy.array(['time', 'id1', 'id2', 'value']) conmat = pandas.read_csv(filepath) if not conmat.shape[1] == ncol: message = message + " The " + format + " Data Format expects exactly " + ncol + " columns, not " + \ str(conmat.shape[1]) + " in the file." warn = True missing = [c not in conmat.columns for c in expected] if any(missing): message = message + " The " + format + " Data Format expects column header(s) '" + \ str(expected[missing]) + \ "' which may be missing in the file." warn = True if warn: print(message) return message else: return
[docs]def connectivity2graph(connectivity,format,IDs): """ Convert Connectivity data to graph format :param connectivity: The connectivity data as a pandas data frame (in any format) :param format: The format of the connectivity file (i.e. "Matrix", "Edge List", "Edge List with Type", "Edge List with Time"). See for a detailed description of formats :param IDs: Planning unit IDs :return: """ print("Converting connectivity data to graph") if format == "Matrix": g = igraph.Graph.Weighted_Adjacency(connectivity.values.tolist()) g.vs["name"] = IDs else: g = igraph.Graph(directed=True) g.add_vertices([str(i) for i in IDs]) g.add_edges(list(zip(connectivity['id1'].astype(str), connectivity['id2'].astype(str))))['weight'] = connectivity['value'].values return g
[docs]def get_marxan_output(input_file,type='Best Solution'): """ Get Marxan Output Extract Marxan output from a file :param input_file: filename of Marxan file to read :param type: Marxan file type (i.e. 'Best Solution', 'Selection Frequency', :return: """ for line in open(input_file): if line.startswith('SCENNAME'): SCENNAME = line.replace('SCENNAME ', '').replace('\n', '') elif line.startswith('NUMREPS'): NUMREPS = int(line.replace('NUMREPS ', '').replace('\n', '')) elif line.startswith('OUTPUTDIR'): OUTPUTDIR = line.replace('OUTPUTDIR ', '').replace('\n', '') if not os.path.isdir(OUTPUTDIR): OUTPUTDIR = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(input_file),OUTPUTDIR) if type == 'Best Solution': fn = os.path.join(OUTPUTDIR, SCENNAME + "_best") elif type == 'Selection Frequency': fn = os.path.join(OUTPUTDIR, SCENNAME + "_ssoln") else: fn = os.path.join(OUTPUTDIR, SCENNAME + "_" + type) if os.path.isfile(fn + '.csv'): file = marxanconpy.read_csv_tsv(fn + '.csv') elif os.path.isfile(fn + '.txt'): file = marxanconpy.read_csv_tsv(fn + '.txt') else: print('WARNING: ' + fn + ' not found') if 'planning_unit' in list(file.columns.values): try: file["planning_unit"] = file["planning_unit"].values.astype('int').astype('str') except: file["planning_unit"] = file["planning_unit"].values.astype('str') elif 'PUID' in list(file.columns.values): try: file["PUID"] = file["PUID"].values.astype('int').astype('str') except: file["PUID"] = file["PUID"].values.astype('str') return file