Source code for marxanconpy.spatial

import numpy
import geopandas as gpd
import shapely
import pandas
import igraph
import wx
import os

[docs]def rescale_matrix(pu_filepath,pu_id,cu_filepath,cu_id,cm_filepath,matrixformat,edge,progressbar=False): """ rescale the connectivity matrix to match the scale of the planning units :param pu_filepath: :param pu_id: :param cu_filepath: :param cu_id: :param cm_filepath: :param matrixformat: :param edge: :param progressbar: :return: """ try: # load shapefiles pu = gpd.GeoDataFrame.from_file(pu_filepath).to_crs('+proj=longlat +ellps=WGS84 +datum=WGS84 +no_defs') cu = gpd.GeoDataFrame.from_file(cu_filepath).to_crs('+proj=longlat +ellps=WGS84 +datum=WGS84 +no_defs') proj = get_appropriate_projection(pu, 'area') pu = pu.to_crs(proj) cu = cu.to_crs(proj) # load cu connectivity matrix # load correct demographic matrix and transform if necessary time=False type=False if os.path.isfile(cm_filepath): if matrixformat == "Matrix": grid_conmat = pandas.read_csv(cm_filepath,index_col=0).values elif matrixformat == "Edge List": grid_conmat = pandas.read_csv(cm_filepath) grid_conmat = grid_conmat.pivot_table(values='value', index='id1',columns='id2').values elif matrixformat == "Edge List with Type": grid_conmat_type = pandas.read_csv(cm_filepath) type=True grid_conmat = {} for t in grid_conmat_type['type'].unique(): grid_conmat[t] = grid_conmat_type.copy()[grid_conmat_type['type'] == t] grid_conmat[t] = grid_conmat[t].pivot_table(values='value', index='id1',columns='id2').values elif matrixformat == "Edge List with Time": grid_conmat_time = pandas.read_csv(cm_filepath) grid_conmat = grid_conmat_time[['id1', 'id2', 'value']].groupby(['id1', 'id2']).mean() grid_conmat = grid_conmat.pivot_table(values='value', index='id1',columns='id2').values time=True # quantify intersectional area if progressbar: if time: max = pu.shape[0] * 10 * len( grid_conmat_time['time'].unique()) elif type: max = pu.shape[0] * 10 * len(grid_conmat_type['type'].unique()) else: max = pu.shape[0] * 10 dlg = wx.ProgressDialog("Rescale Connectivity Matrix", "Please wait while the rescaled connectivity matrix is being generated.", maximum = max, parent=None, style = wx.PD_APP_MODAL | wx.PD_CAN_ABORT | wx.PD_AUTO_HIDE | wx.PD_ELAPSED_TIME | wx.PD_ESTIMATED_TIME | wx.PD_REMAINING_TIME ) count = 0 keepGoing = True while keepGoing: con_mat_pu = [] for index, puID in pu.iterrows(): if progressbar: count += 1 (keepGoing, skip) = dlg.Update(count) for index2, connID in cu.iterrows(): if not keepGoing: break if puID.geometry.intersects(connID.geometry): con_mat_pu.append({'geometry': puID.geometry.intersection(connID.geometry), 'puID':puID[pu_id], 'connID': connID[cu_id], 'puIndex': index, 'connIndex': index2,'int_area': puID.geometry.intersection(connID.geometry).area, 'conn_area': connID.geometry.area, 'pu_area': puID.geometry.area}) # make intersection GeoDataFrame df = gpd.GeoDataFrame(con_mat_pu,columns=['geometry', 'puID', 'connID', 'puIndex', 'connIndex', 'int_area', 'conn_area', 'pu_area']) if not type: # populate rescaled pu connectivity matrix pu_conmat = numpy.zeros((len(pu),len(pu))) for source in pu[pu_id]: if progressbar: count += 9 (keepGoing, skip) = dlg.Update(count) for sink in pu[pu_id]: if not keepGoing: break sources=df.puID==source sinks=df.puID==sink if any(sinks) and any(sources): if edge == "Proportional to overlap": temp_conn=grid_conmat[df.connIndex[sources],:][:,df.connIndex[sinks]] cov_source=df.int_area[sources]/sum(df.int_area[sources]) cov_sink=df.int_area[sinks]/sum(df.int_area[sinks]) pu_conmat[numpy.array(pu[pu_id] == source), numpy.array(pu[pu_id] == sink)] = sum( sum(((temp_conn * numpy.array(cov_sink)).T * numpy.array(cov_source)))) else: temp_conn = grid_conmat[df.connIndex[sources], :][:, df.connIndex[sinks]] cov_source = df.int_area[sources] / df.pu_area[sources] cov_sink = df.int_area[sinks] / df.pu_area[sinks] pu_conmat[numpy.array(pu[pu_id] == source), numpy.array(pu[pu_id] == sink)] = sum( sum(((temp_conn * numpy.array(cov_sink)).T * numpy.array(cov_source)))) else: pu_conmat[numpy.array(pu[pu_id]==source),numpy.array(pu[pu_id]==sink)]=0 pu_conmat = pandas.DataFrame(pu_conmat, index=pu[pu_id], columns=pu[pu_id]) = "puID" if time: # populate rescaled pu connectivity matrix for t in grid_conmat_time['time'].unique(): if not keepGoing: break pu_conmat_t = numpy.zeros((len(pu), len(pu))) for source in pu[pu_id]: if progressbar: count += 9 (keepGoing, skip) = dlg.Update(count) for sink in pu[pu_id]: if not keepGoing: break sources = df.puID == source sinks = df.puID == sink if any(sinks) and any(sources): if edge == "Proportional to overlap": temp_conn = grid_conmat[df.connIndex[sources], :][:, df.connIndex[sinks]] cov_source = df.int_area[sources] / sum(df.int_area[sources]) cov_sink = df.int_area[sinks] / sum(df.int_area[sinks]) pu_conmat_t[numpy.array(pu[pu_id] == source), numpy.array(pu[pu_id] == sink)] = sum( sum(((temp_conn * numpy.array(cov_sink)).T * numpy.array(cov_source)))) else: temp_conn = grid_conmat[df.connIndex[sources], :][:, df.connIndex[sinks]] cov_source = df.int_area[sources] / df.pu_area[sources] cov_sink = df.int_area[sinks] / df.pu_area[sinks] pu_conmat_t[numpy.array(pu[pu_id] == source), numpy.array(pu[pu_id] == sink)] = sum( sum(((temp_conn * numpy.array(cov_sink)).T * numpy.array(cov_source)))) else: pu_conmat_t[numpy.array(pu[pu_id] == source), numpy.array(pu[pu_id] == sink)] = 0 pu_conmat_t = pandas.DataFrame(pu_conmat_t, index=pu[pu_id], columns=pu[pu_id]) pu_conmat_t['id1'] = pu_conmat_t.index pu_conmat_t['time'] = t if t==grid_conmat_time['time'].unique()[0]: pu_conmat['id1'] = pu_conmat.index pu_conmat['time'] = 'mean' pu_conmat = pu_conmat.append(pu_conmat_t) # pu_conmat_time = pu_conmat.melt(id_vars=['time','id1'], var_name='id2', value_name='value') if type: # populate rescaled pu connectivity matrix for t in grid_conmat_type['type'].unique(): if not keepGoing: break pu_conmat_t = numpy.zeros((len(pu), len(pu))) for source in pu[pu_id]: if progressbar: count += 9 (keepGoing, skip) = dlg.Update(count) for sink in pu[pu_id]: if not keepGoing: break sources = df.puID == source sinks = df.puID == sink if any(sinks) and any(sources): if edge == "Proportional to overlap": temp_conn = grid_conmat[df.connIndex[sources], :][:, df.connIndex[sinks]] cov_source = df.int_area[sources] / sum(df.int_area[sources]) cov_sink = df.int_area[sinks] / sum(df.int_area[sinks]) pu_conmat_t[numpy.array(pu[pu_id] == source), numpy.array(pu[pu_id] == sink)] = sum( sum(((temp_conn * numpy.array(cov_sink)).T * numpy.array(cov_source)))) else: temp_conn = grid_conmat[df.connIndex[sources], :][:, df.connIndex[sinks]] cov_source = df.int_area[sources] / df.pu_area[sources] cov_sink = df.int_area[sinks] / df.pu_area[sinks] pu_conmat_t[numpy.array(pu[pu_id] == source), numpy.array(pu[pu_id] == sink)] = sum( sum(((temp_conn * numpy.array(cov_sink)).T * numpy.array(cov_source)))) else: pu_conmat_t[numpy.array(pu[pu_id] == source), numpy.array(pu[pu_id] == sink)] = 0 pu_conmat_t = pandas.DataFrame(pu_conmat_t, index=pu[pu_id], columns=pu[pu_id]) pu_conmat_t['id1'] = pu_conmat_t.index pu_conmat_t['type'] = t if t==grid_conmat_type['type'].unique()[0]: pu_conmat['id1'] = pu_conmat.index pu_conmat['type'] = 'mean' pu_conmat = pu_conmat.append(pu_conmat_t) # pu_conmat_type = pu_conmat.melt(id_vars=['type','id1'], var_name='id2', value_name='value') if progressbar: dlg.Destroy() return pu_conmat keepgoing = False except: print("Warning: Error in matrix rescaling") if progressbar: dlg.Destroy() raise
[docs]def buffer_shp_corners(gdf_list, bufferwidth = 0): """ Finds the lower left and upper right corners of a list of geopandas.GeoDataFrame objects. Optionally define a buffer (in degrees) around the list GeoDataFrames :param gdf_list: :param bufferwidth: :return: """ lonmin = 181 lonmax = -181 latmin = 91 latmax = -91 for g in gdf_list: lonmintemp = g.total_bounds[0] - bufferwidth lonmaxtemp = g.total_bounds[2] + bufferwidth latmintemp = g.total_bounds[1] - bufferwidth latmaxtemp = g.total_bounds[3] + bufferwidth if(lonmintemp<lonmin): lonmin = lonmintemp if(lonmaxtemp>lonmax): lonmax = lonmaxtemp if(latmintemp<latmin): latmin = latmintemp if(latmaxtemp>latmax): latmax = latmaxtemp return lonmin, lonmax, latmin, latmax
[docs]def get_appropriate_projection(shapefile,equal='area'): """ :param shapefile: :param equal: :return: """ lonmin, lonmax, latmin, latmax = buffer_shp_corners([shapefile]) lon = (lonmin + lonmax) / 2 lat = (latmin+latmax)/2 if equal == 'area': proj = '+proj=laea +lat_0='+str(lat)+' +lon_0='+str(lon)+' +ellps=WGS84' print("Warning: Spatial files will be transformed to an equal-area projection (" + proj + ") for most spatial analyses") elif equal == 'distance': proj = '+proj=eqdc +lat_1='+str(latmin)+' +lat_2='+str(latmax)+' +lon_0='+str(lon)+' +ellps=WGS84' print("Warning: Spatial files will be transformed to an equal-distance projection (" + proj + ") for this spatial analyses") return proj
[docs]def habitatresistance2conmats(buff, hab_filepath, hab_id, res_mat_filepath, pu_filepath, pu_id, res_type, progressbar = False): """ :param buff: :param hab_filepath: :param hab_id: :param res_mat_filepath: :param pu_filepath: :param pu_id: :param res_type: :param progressbar: :return: """ try: pu = gpd.GeoDataFrame.from_file(pu_filepath).to_crs('+proj=longlat +ellps=WGS84 +datum=WGS84 +no_defs') pu = pu.sort_values(pu_id) pu = pu.reset_index(drop=True) # progressbar if progressbar: max = pu.shape[0] * 12 dlg = wx.ProgressDialog("Assessing Least-Cost Path", "Please wait while the least-cost path based connectivity matrices are being generated.", maximum=max, parent=None, style=wx.PD_APP_MODAL | wx.PD_CAN_ABORT |wx.PD_AUTO_HIDE | wx.PD_ELAPSED_TIME | wx.PD_ESTIMATED_TIME | wx.PD_REMAINING_TIME ) count = 0 keepGoing = True while keepGoing: area_proj = get_appropriate_projection(pu, 'area') dist_proj = get_appropriate_projection(pu, 'distance') pu_area = pu.to_crs(area_proj) pu_dist = pu.to_crs(dist_proj) pu_dist['buff'] = pu_dist.geometry.buffer(buff) hab = gpd.GeoDataFrame.from_file(hab_filepath).to_crs('+proj=longlat +ellps=WGS84 +datum=WGS84 +no_defs') hab['diss'] = hab[hab_id] hab = hab.dissolve(by='diss') hab = hab.reset_index(drop=True) = '+proj=longlat +ellps=WGS84 +datum=WGS84 +no_defs' hab = hab.sort_values(hab_id) hab_area = hab.to_crs(area_proj) hab_dist = hab.to_crs(dist_proj) habtypes = hab_dist[hab_id].values # habitat resistance if res_type == "Least-Cost Path": if os.path.isfile(res_mat_filepath): habres = numpy.array(pandas.read_csv(res_mat_filepath, index_col=0).sort_index()) else: print("Resistance file not found") else: habres = numpy.ones([len(habtypes),len(habtypes)]) G = igraph.Graph() G.add_vertices([str(i) for i in pu[pu_id]]) area = pandas.DataFrame(numpy.zeros((len(pu), len(habtypes))),index=pu_area[pu_id], columns=habtypes) for index1, pu1row in pu_area.iterrows(): if progressbar: count += 1 (keepGoing, skip) = dlg.Update(count) for indexhab, habrow in hab_area.iterrows(): if not keepGoing: break area.iloc[index1,indexhab] = pu1row.geometry.intersection(habrow.geometry).area for index1, pu1row in pu_dist.iterrows(): if not keepGoing: break if progressbar: count += 10 (keepGoing, skip) = dlg.Update(count) for index2, pu2row in pu_dist.iterrows(): if not keepGoing: break if index1 != index2: if pu1row.buff.intersects(pu2row.buff): line = shapely.geometry.LineString([(pu1row.geometry.centroid.x, pu1row.geometry.centroid.y), (pu2row.geometry.centroid.x, pu2row.geometry.centroid.y)]) lineinter = numpy.array(hab_dist.intersection(line).length) if sum(lineinter)>(line.length*0.5): lineinter = lineinter/sum(lineinter)*line.length weights = dict(zip(habtypes, numpy.multiply(lineinter, habres).sum(1))) dist = pu1row.geometry.centroid.distance(pu2row.geometry.centroid) G.add_edge(str(pu1row[pu_id]), str(pu2row[pu_id]), **weights, distance=dist) conmat = pandas.DataFrame({'habitat': [], 'id1': [], 'id2': [], 'value': []}) area = area.T.divide(area.values.sum(1)).T area.fillna(0,inplace=True) # remove nan's area[area<0.00001]=0 for h in habtypes: if progressbar: count += int(pu.shape[0]/len(habtypes)) (keepGoing, skip) = dlg.Update(count) if not keepGoing: break if G.ecount() > 0: conmat_temp = pandas.DataFrame(G.shortest_paths_dijkstra(weights=h, mode='OUT')) conmat_temp = (1 / (conmat_temp * conmat_temp)).replace(numpy.inf, 0) conmat_temp = conmat_temp.divide(conmat_temp.sum(axis=1).max()) conmat_temp = conmat_temp.multiply(area[h].tolist(), axis=0) conmat_temp = conmat_temp.multiply(area[h].tolist(), axis=1) conmat_temp.columns = G.vs['name'] conmat_temp['id1'] = G.vs['name'] conmat_temp['habitat'] = h conmat = conmat.append(conmat_temp.melt(id_vars=('habitat', 'id1'), var_name='id2', value_name='value')) else: print("Warning: Habitat '"+str(h)+"' has no connectivity between planning units, excluding from further analyses") if progressbar: count = max (keepGoing, skip) = dlg.Update(count) return conmat.to_json(orient='split') keepGoing = False except: print("Warning: Error in habitatresistance2conmats") if progressbar: dlg.Destroy() raise